API Reference: Shaders¶
This is the API reference for the functions, classes, and enums in the renderdoc
module which represents the underlying interface that the UI is built on top of. For more high-level information and instructions on using the python API, see Python API.
- class renderdoc.Descriptor¶
The contents of a descriptor. Not all contents will be valid depending on API and descriptor type, others will be set to sensible defaults.
For sampler descriptors, the sampler-specific data can be queried separately and returned as
for sampler types.- bufferStructCount¶
If the view has a hidden counter, this stores the current value of the counter.
- Type
- byteOffset¶
For any kind of buffer descriptor, the base byte offset within the resource where the referenced range by the descriptor begins.
- Type
- byteSize¶
For any kind of buffer descriptor, the number of bytes in the range covered by the descriptor.
- Type
- counterByteOffset¶
The byte offset in
where the counter is stored, for buffer descriptors with a secondary counter.- Type
- elementByteSize¶
The byte size of a single element in the view. Either the byte size of
, or the structured buffer element size, as appropriate.- Type
- firstMip¶
For texture descriptors, the first mip in the texture which is visible to the descriptor
- Type
- firstSlice¶
For texture descriptors, the first slice in a 3D or array texture which is visible to the descriptor
- Type
- flags¶
The flags for additional API-specific and generally non-semantically impactful properties.
- Type
- format¶
The format cast that the view uses, for typed buffer and image descriptors.
- Type
- minLODClamp¶
The clamp applied to the minimum LOD by the resource view, separate and in addition to any clamp by a sampler used.
- Type
- numMips¶
For texture descriptors, the number of mips in the texture which are visible to the descriptor
- Type
- numSlices¶
For texture descriptors, the number of slices in a 3D or array texture which are visible to the descriptor
- Type
- resource¶
The primary bound resource at this descriptor, either a buffer or an image resource.
Note that sampler descriptors will not be listed here, see
.- Type
- secondary¶
The secondary bound resource at this descriptor.
For any descriptor containing a sampler, this will be the sampler. For buffer descriptors with an associated counter buffer this will be the counter buffer.
- Type
- swizzle¶
The swizzle applied to texture descriptors.
- Type
- textureType¶
The specific type of a texture descriptor.
- Type
- type¶
The type of this descriptor as a general category.
- Type
- class renderdoc.SamplerDescriptor¶
The contents of a sampler descriptor. Not all contents will be valid depending on API and capabilities, others will be set to sensible defaults.
For normal descriptors, the resource data should be queried and returned in
.- UseBorder()¶
Check if the border color is used in this D3D11 sampler.
- Returns
if the border color is used,False
otherwise.- Return type
- addressU¶
in the U direction.
- addressV¶
in the V direction.
- addressW¶
in the W direction.
- borderColorType¶
The RGBA border color type. This determines how the data in
will be interpreted.- Type
- borderColorValue¶
The RGBA border color value. Typically the float tuple inside will be used, but the exact component type can be checked with
.- Type
- chromaFilter¶
For ycbcr samplers - the
describing the chroma filtering mode.
- compareFunction¶
for comparison samplers.
- creationTimeConstant¶
if this sampler was initialised at creation time for a pipeline or descriptor layout, the method being API specific. If so this sampler is not dynamic and was not explicitly set and may have no real descriptor storage.- Type
- filter¶
The filtering mode.
- Type
- forceExplicitReconstruction¶
For ycbcr samplers -
if explicit reconstruction is force enabled.
- maxAnisotropy¶
The maximum anisotropic filtering level to use.
- maxLOD¶
The maximum mip level that can be used.
- minLOD¶
The minimum mip level that can be used.
- mipBias¶
A bias to apply to the calculated mip level before sampling.
- object¶
For APIs where samplers are an explicit object, the
of the sampler itself- Type
- seamlessCubemaps¶
if this sampler is seamless across cubemap boundaries (the default).
- srgbBorder¶
if the border colour is swizzled with an sRGB formatted image.
- swizzle¶
The swizzle applied. Primarily for ycbcr samplers applied before conversion but for non-ycbcr samplers can be used for implementations that require sampler swizzle information for border colors.
- Type
- type¶
The type of this descriptor as a general category.
If this is not set to
the rest of the contents of this structure are not valid as the descriptor is not a sampler descriptor.- Type
- unnormalized¶
if unnormalized co-ordinates are used in this sampler.
- xChromaOffset¶
For ycbcr samplers - the
X-axis chroma offset.
- yChromaOffset¶
For ycbcr samplers - the
Y-axis chroma offset.
- ycbcrModel¶
For ycbcr samplers - the
used for conversion.
- ycbcrRange¶
For ycbcr samplers - the
used for conversion.
- ycbcrSampler¶
of the ycbcr conversion object associated with this sampler.
- class renderdoc.DescriptorFlags(value)¶
A set of flags for descriptor properties.
- NoFlags¶
The buffer will not be used for any of the uses below.
- RawBuffer¶
On D3D, a buffer is used as a raw (byte-addressed) buffer.
- AppendBuffer¶
On D3D, a buffer is used as a append/consume view.
- CounterBuffer¶
On D3D, a buffer is used with a structured buffer with associated hidden counter.
- ReadOnlyAccess¶
On GL, a storage image or buffer is bound with read-only access.
- WriteOnlyAccess¶
On GL, a storage image or buffer is bound with write-only access.
- InlineData¶
This descriptor isn’t backed by an explicit buffer in the API (though a resource may be provided for data query purposes during replay), but instead by some virtual or in-line data. For example in-line constants set directly, or compile/creation time constants.
The exact nature can be determined by the shader reflection data.
- class renderdoc.DescriptorCategory(value)¶
The category of a descriptor, corresponding to the interfaces in
.- Unknown¶
An unknown or uninitialised type of descriptor.
- ConstantBlock¶
A constant block.
- Sampler¶
A sampler object.
- ReadOnlyResource¶
A read-only resource.
- ReadWriteResource¶
A read-write resource.
- class renderdoc.DescriptorType(value)¶
The type of a descriptor.
- Unknown¶
An unknown or uninitialised type of descriptor.
- ConstantBuffer¶
A constant or uniform buffer.
- Sampler¶
A separate sampler object.
- ImageSampler¶
A combined image and sampler object.
- Image¶
An image that can only be sampled from.
- Buffer¶
A buffer that can only be read from, with data read literally in a shader via raw or structured access.
- TypedBuffer¶
A typed buffer that can only be read from, interpreting each element via a format decode.
- ReadWriteImage¶
An image that can be read from and written to arbitrarily.
- ReadWriteTypedBuffer¶
A typed/texture buffer that can be read from and written to arbitrarily.
- ReadWriteBuffer¶
A buffer that can be read from and written to arbitrarily.
- AccelerationStructure¶
A ray-tracing acceleration structure, read-only in the shader.
- renderdoc.CategoryForDescriptorType(type)¶
Get the shader interface category for a given type of descriptor.
- Parameters
type# (DescriptorType) – The type of descriptor
- Returns
The descriptor category.
- Return type
- renderdoc.IsConstantBlockDescriptor(type)¶
Checks if a descriptor type corresponds to a constant block in shader reflection.
- Parameters
type# (DescriptorType) – The type of descriptor
- Returns
if the descriptor type is a constant block descriptor.- Return type
- renderdoc.IsReadOnlyDescriptor(type)¶
Checks if a descriptor type corresponds to a read only resource in shader reflection. Combined image/samplers are reported as read only resources.
- Parameters
type# (DescriptorType) – The type of descriptor
- Returns
if the descriptor type is a read-only resource descriptor.- Return type
- renderdoc.IsReadWriteDescriptor(type)¶
Checks if a descriptor type corresponds to a read write resource in shader reflection.
- Parameters
type# (DescriptorType) – The type of descriptor
- Returns
if the descriptor type is a read-write resource descriptor.- Return type
- renderdoc.IsSamplerDescriptor(type)¶
Checks if a descriptor type corresponds to a sampler in shader reflection. Only dedicated sampler types are sampler descriptors, combined image/samplers are reported only as read only resources.
- Parameters
type# (DescriptorType) – The type of descriptor
- Returns
if the descriptor type is a sampler descriptor.- Return type
- class renderdoc.DescriptorLogicalLocation¶
In many cases there may be a logical location or fixed binding point for a particular descriptor which is not conveyed with a simple byte offset into a descriptor store. This is particularly true for any descriptor stores that are not equivalent to a buffer of bytes but actually have an API structure - for example D3D11 and GL with fixed binding points, or Vulkan with descriptor sets.
In some cases on APIs with explicit descriptor storage this may convey information about virtualised descriptors that are not explicitly backed with real storage.
This structure describes such a location queried for a given descriptor.
For example on D3D11 this would give the register number of the binding, and on GL it would give the unit index. Both cases would be able to query the type and shader stage visibility of descriptors that are not accessed or even bound.
On Vulkan this would give the set, binding, and visibility. In most cases this information will be available for all descriptors but in some cases the type of descriptor may not be available if it is unused and has not been initialised.
On D3D12 this would only give the index into the heap, as no other information is available purely by the descriptor itself.
This information may not be fully present on all APIs so the returned structures may be empty or partially filled out, depending on what information is relevant per API.
- category¶
The general category of a descriptor stored. This may not be available for uninitialised descriptors on all APIs.
- Type
- fixedBindNumber¶
The fixed binding number for this descriptor. The interpretation of this is API-specific and it is provided purely for informational purposes and has no bearing on how data is accessed or described.
Generally speaking sorting by this number will give a reasonable ordering by binding if it exists.
Because this number is API-specific, there is no guarantee that it will be unique across all descriptors. It should be used only within contexts that can interpret it API-specifically, or else for purely informational/non-semantic purposes like sorting.
- Type
- logicalBindName¶
The logical binding name, as suitable for displaying to a user when displaying the contents of a descriptor queried directly from a heap.
Depending on the API, this name may be identical or less specific than the one obtained from shader reflection. Generally speaking it’s preferred to use any information from shader reflection first, and fall back to this name if no reflection information is available in the context.
- Type
- stageMask¶
The set of shader stages that this descriptor is intrinsically available to. This is primarily relevant for D3D11 with its fixed per-stage register binding points.
Note this only shows if a descriptor itself can only ever be accessed by some shader stages by definition, not if a descriptor is generally available but happened to only be accessed by one or more stage. That information is available directly in the
itself.- Type
- class renderdoc.DescriptorRange¶
A range of sized descriptors.
- count¶
The number of descriptors in this range.
- descriptorSize¶
The size of each descriptor in the range.
- offset¶
The offset in the descriptor storage where the descriptor range starts.
- class renderdoc.DescriptorAccess¶
The details of a single accessed descriptor as fetched by a shader and which descriptor in the descriptor store was fetched.
This may be a somewhat conservative access, reported as possible but not actually executed on the GPU itself.
- NoShaderBinding¶
No shader binding corresponds to this descriptor access, it happened directly without going through any kind of binding.
- arrayElement¶
For an arrayed resource declared in a shader, the array element used.
- Type
- byteOffset¶
The offset in bytes to the descriptor in the descriptor store.
- Type
- byteSize¶
The size in bytes of the descriptor.
- Type
- descriptorStore¶
The backing storage of the descriptor.
- Type
- index¶
The index within the shader’s reflection list corresponding to
of the accessing resource.If this value is set to
then the shader synthesised a direct access into descriptor storage without passing through a declared binding.- Type
- stage¶
The shader stage that this descriptor access came from.
- Type
- staticallyUnused¶
For informational purposes, some descriptors that are declared in the shader interface but are provably unused may still be reported as descriptor accesses. This flag will be set to
to indicate that the descriptor was definitely not used.This flag only states that a descriptor is definitely unused on all paths. If set to
this does not necessarily guarantee that the descriptor was accessed on the GPU during execution.- Type
- type¶
The type of the descriptor being accessed.
- Type
- class renderdoc.ShaderReflection¶
The reflection and metadata fully describing a shader.
The information in this structure is API agnostic.
- constantBlocks¶
The constant block bindings.
- Type
- debugInfo¶
The embedded debugging information.
- Type
- dispatchThreadsDimension¶
The 3D dimensions of a compute workgroup, for compute shaders.
- Type
- encoding¶
of this shader. SeerawBytes
- entryPoint¶
The entry point in the shader for this reflection, if multiple entry points exist.
- inputSignature¶
The input signature.
- Type
- interfaces¶
The list of strings with the shader’s interfaces. Largely an unused API feature.
- Type
- outputSignature¶
The output signature.
- Type
- pointerTypes¶
The list of pointer types referred to in this shader.
- Type
- rayAttributes¶
The block layout of the ray attributes structure.
Only relevant for intersection shaders and closest/any hit shaders, this gives the attributes structure produced by a custom intersection shader which is available by hit shaders, or else the built-in structure if no intersection shader was used and a triangle intersection is reported.
- Type
- rayPayload¶
The block layout of the ray payload.
Only relevant for raytracing shaders, this gives the payload accessible for read and write by ray evaluation during the processing of the ray
- Type
- readOnlyResources¶
The read-only resource bindings.
- Type
- readWriteResources¶
The read-write resource bindings.
- Type
- resourceId¶
of this shader.
- samplers¶
The sampler bindings.
- Type
- stage¶
that this shader corresponds to, if multiple entry points exist.
- taskPayload¶
The block layout of the task-mesh communication payload.
Only relevant for task or mesh shaders, this gives the output payload (for task shaders) or the input payload (for mesh shaders)
- Type
- class renderdoc.ShaderStage(value)¶
The stage in a pipeline where a shader runs
- Vertex¶
The vertex shader.
- Hull¶
The hull shader. See also
- Geometry¶
The geometry shader.
- Compute¶
The compute shader.
- Task¶
The task shader. See also
- Mesh¶
The mesh shader.
- RayGen¶
A ray generation shader, called from a ray dispatch command to launch initial rays.
- Intersection¶
An intersection shader, used for procedural objects in a BLAS to calculate hits.
- AnyHit¶
An any-hit shader, called in an indeterminate order and number when a ray intersection has been found with an object but may not be the final hit.
- ClosestHit¶
A closest-hit shader, called once the closest hit on a ray has been found.
- Miss¶
A miss shader, called when a ray has no valid closest hit at all.
- Callable¶
A callable shader, called by shader code via index during ray processing.
- class renderdoc.ShaderStageMask(value)¶
A set of flags for
stages- Unknown¶
No flags set for any shader stages.
- Vertex¶
The flag for
- Hull¶
The flag for
- Tess_Control¶
The flag for
- Domain¶
The flag for
- Tess_Eval¶
The flag for
- Geometry¶
The flag for
- Pixel¶
The flag for
- Fragment¶
The flag for
- Compute¶
The flag for
- Task¶
The flag for
- Amplification¶
The flag for
- Mesh¶
The flag for
- RayGen¶
The flag for
- Intersection¶
The flag for
- AnyHit¶
The flag for
- ClosestHit¶
The flag for
- Miss¶
The flag for
- Callable¶
The flag for
- All¶
A shorthand version with flags set for all stages together.
- renderdoc.MaskForStage(stage)¶
Calculate the corresponding flag for a shader stage
- Parameters
stage# (ShaderStage) – The shader stage
- Returns
The flag that corresponds to the input shader stage
- Return type
- renderdoc.FirstStageForMask(stageMask)¶
For a shader stage mask that only covers one shader stage, return the shader stage.
If the shader stage mask covers multiple stages, only the first matching stage will be returned. If the mask is empty,
will be returned.- Parameters
stageMask# (ShaderStageMask) – The shader stage mask.
- Returns
The first shader stage covered by the mask.
- Return type
- class renderdoc.SigParameter¶
The information describing an input or output signature element describing the interface between shader stages.
- NoIndex¶
Value for an index that means it is invalid or not applicable for this parameter.
- channelUsedMask¶
A bitmask indicating which components in the shader register are actually used by the shader itself, for APIs that pack signatures together.
- needSemanticIndex¶
A convenience flag -
if the semantic name is unique and no index is needed.
- perPrimitiveRate¶
A flag indicating if this parameter is output at per-primitive rate rather than per-vertex.
- regChannelMask¶
A bitmask indicating which components in the shader register are stored, for APIs that pack signatures together.
- regIndex¶
The index of the shader register/binding used to store this signature element.
This may be
if the element is system-generated and not consumed by another shader stage. SeesystemValue
- semanticIdxName¶
The combined semantic name and index.
- semanticIndex¶
The semantic index of this variable - see
- semanticName¶
The semantic name of this variable, if the API uses semantic matching for bindings.
- stream¶
Selects a stream for APIs that provide multiple output streams for the same named output.
- systemValue¶
value that this element contains.
- varName¶
The name of this variable - may not be present in the metadata for all APIs.
- varType¶
variable type
of data that this element stores.
- class renderdoc.ShaderBuiltin(value)¶
Annotates a particular built-in input or output from a shader with a special meaning to the hardware or API.
Some of the built-in inputs or outputs can be declared multiple times in arrays or otherwise indexed to apply to multiple related things - see
.- Undefined¶
Undefined built-in or no built-in is attached to this shader variable.
- Position¶
As an output from the final vertex processing shader stage, this feeds the vertex position to the rasterized. As an input to the pixel shader stage this receives the position from the rasterizer.
- PointSize¶
An output that controls the size of point primitives.
- ClipDistance¶
An output for the distance to a user-defined clipping plane. Any pixel with an interpolated value that is negative will not be rasterized. Typically there can be more than one such output.
- CullDistance¶
An output for the distance to a user-defined culling plane. Any primitive with all vertices having negative values will not be rasterized. Typically there can be more than one such output.
- RTIndex¶
An output for selecting the render target index in an array to render to. Available in geometry shaders and possibly earlier stages depending on hardware/API capability.
- ViewportIndex¶
An output for selecting the viewport index to render to. Available in geometry shaders and possibly earlier stages depending on hardware/API capability.
- VertexIndex¶
An input to the vertex shader listing the vertex index. The exact meaning of this index can vary by API but generally it refers to either a 0-based counter for non-indexed draws, or the index value for indexed draws. It may or may not be affected by offsets, depending on API semantics.
- PrimitiveIndex¶
A built-in indicating which primitive is being processed. This can be read by all primitive stages after the vertex shader, and written by the geometry shader.
- InstanceIndex¶
This built-in is defined similar to
but for instances within an instanced drawcall. It counts from 0 and as withVertexIndex
it may or may not be affected by drawcall offsets.
- DispatchSize¶
An input in compute shaders that gives the number of workgroups executed by the dispatch call.
- DispatchThreadIndex¶
An input in compute shaders giving a 3D shared index across all workgroups, such that the index varies across each thread in the workgroup up to its size, then the indices for workgroup
begin adjacent to where workgroup(0,0,0)
ended.This is related to
- GroupIndex¶
An input in compute shaders giving a 3D index of this current workgroup amongst all workgroups, up to the dispatch size.
The index is constant across all threads in the workgroup.
This is related to
- GroupSize¶
The size of a workgroup, giving the number of threads in each dimension.
- GroupFlatIndex¶
An input in compute shaders giving a flat 1D index of the thread within the current workgroup. This index increments first in the
dimension, then in theY
dimension, then in theZ
- GroupThreadIndex¶
An input in compute shaders giving a 3D index of this thread within its workgroup, up to the workgroup size.
The input does not vary between one thread in a workgroup and the same thread in another workgroup.
This is related to
- GSInstanceIndex¶
An input to the geometry shader giving the instance being run, if the geometry shader was setup to be invoked multiple times for each input primitive.
- OutputControlPointIndex¶
An input to the tessellation control or hull shader giving the output control point index or patch vertex being operated on.
- DomainLocation¶
An input to the tessellation evaluation or domain shader, giving the normalised location on the output patch where evaluation is occuring. E.g. for triangle output this is the barycentric co-ordinates of the output vertex.
- IsFrontFace¶
An input to the pixel shader indicating whether or not the contributing triangle was considered front-facing or not according to the API setup for winding order and backface orientation.
- MSAACoverage¶
An input or an output from the pixel shader. As an input, it specifies a bitmask of which samples in a pixel were covered by the rasterizer. As an output, it specifies which samples in the destination target should be updated.
- MSAASamplePosition¶
An input to the pixel shader that contains the location of the current sample relative to the pixel, when running the pixel shader at sample frequency.
- MSAASampleIndex¶
An input to the pixel shader that indicates which sample in the range
0 .. N-1
is currently being processed.
- PatchNumVertices¶
An input to the tessellation stages, this gives the number of vertices in each patch.
- OuterTessFactor¶
An output from the tessellation control or hull shader, this determines the level to which the outer edge of each primitive is tessellated by the fixed-function tessellator.
It is also available for reading in the tessellation evaluation or domain shader.
- InsideTessFactor¶
Related to
this functions in the same way to determine the tessellation level inside the primitive.
- ColorOutput¶
An output from the pixel shader, this determines the color value written to the corresponding target. There will be as many color output built-ins as there are targets bound.
- DepthOutput¶
An output from the pixel shader, writes the depth of this pixel with no restrictions.
Related to
- DepthOutputGreaterEqual¶
An output from the pixel shader, writes the depth of this pixel with the restriction that it will be greater than or equal to the original depth produced by the rasterizer.
Related to
- DepthOutputLessEqual¶
An output from the pixel shader, writes the depth of this pixel with the restriction that it will be less than or equal to the original depth produced by the rasterizer.
Related to
- BaseVertex¶
The first vertex processed in this draw, as specified by the
parameter to the draw call.
- BaseInstance¶
The first instance processed in this draw call, as specified by the
- DrawIndex¶
For indirect or multi-draw commands, the index of this draw call within the overall draw command.
- StencilReference¶
The stencil reference to be used for stenciling operations on this fragment.
- PointCoord¶
The fragments co-ordinates within a point primitive being rasterized.
- IsHelper¶
Indicates if the current invocation is a helper invocation.
- SubgroupSize¶
The number of invocations in a subgroup.
- NumSubgroups¶
The number of subgroups in the local workgroup.
- SubgroupIndexInWorkgroup¶
The index of the current subgroup within all subgroups in the workgroup, up to
- 1.
- IndexInSubgroup¶
The index of the current thread in the current subgroup, up to
- 1.
- SubgroupEqualMask¶
A bitmask where the bit corresponding to
is set.
- SubgroupGreaterEqualMask¶
A bitmask where all bits greater or equal to the one corresponding to
are set.
- SubgroupGreaterMask¶
A bitmask where all bits greater than the one corresponding to
are set.
- SubgroupLessEqualMask¶
A bitmask where all bits less or equal to the one corresponding to
are set.
- SubgroupLessMask¶
A bitmask where all bits less than the one corresponding to
are set.
- DeviceIndex¶
The device index executing the shader, relative to the current device group.
- IsFullyCovered¶
Indicates if the current fragment area is fully covered by the generating primitive.
- FragAreaSize¶
Gives the dimensions of the area that the fragment covers.
- FragInvocationCount¶
Gives the maximum number of invocations for the fragment being covered.
- PackedFragRate¶
Contains the packed shading rate, with an API specific packing of X and Y. For example:
1x being 0, 2x being 1, 4x being 2. Then the lower two bits being the Y rate and the next 2 bits being the X rate.
- Barycentrics¶
Contains the barycentric co-ordinates.
- CullPrimitive¶
An output to indicate whether or not a primitive should be culled.
- OutputIndices¶
An output containing the indices for a meshlet.
- MultiViewIndex¶
An input specifying the view being rendered to in multiview rendering. Only valid when multiview rendering is enabled.
- class renderdoc.ConstantBlock¶
Contains the information for a block of constant values. The values are not present, only the metadata about how the variables are stored in memory itself and their type/name information.
- bindArraySize¶
If this binding is natively arrayed, how large is the array size. If not arrayed, this will be set to 1.
This value may be set to a very large number if the array is unbounded in the shader.
- Type
- bufferBacked¶
if the contents are stored in a buffer of memory. If not then they are set by some other API-specific method, such as direct function calls or they may be compile-time specialisation constants.
- byteSize¶
The total number of bytes consumed by all of the constants contained in this block.
- compileConstants¶
if this is a virtual buffer listing compile-time specialisation constants.
- fixedBindNumber¶
The fixed binding number for this binding. The interpretation of this is API-specific and it is provided purely for informational purposes and has no bearing on how data is accessed or described. Similarly some bindings don’t have a fixed bind number and the value here should not be relied on.
For OpenGL only, this value is not used as bindings are dynamic and cannot be determined by the shader reflection. Bindings must be determined only by the descriptor mapped to.
Generally speaking sorting by this number will give a reasonable ordering by binding if it exists.
Because this number is API-specific, there is no guarantee that it will be unique across all resources, though generally it will be unique within all binds of the same type. It should be used only within contexts that can interpret it API-specifically, or else for purely informational/non-semantic purposes like sorting.
- Type
- fixedBindSetOrSpace¶
The fixed binding set or space for this binding. This is API-specific, on Vulkan this gives the set and on D3D12 this gives the register space. It is provided purely for informational purposes and has no bearing on how data is accessed or described.
Generally speaking sorting by this number before
will give a reasonable ordering by binding if it exists.- Type
- inlineDataBytes¶
if this is backed by in-line data bytes rather than a specific buffer.
- name¶
The name of this constant block, may be empty on some APIs.
- variables¶
The constants contained within this block.
- Type
- class renderdoc.ShaderSampler¶
Contains the information for a separate sampler in a shader. If the API doesn’t have the concept of separate samplers, this struct will be unused and only
is relevant.Note
that constant blocks will not have a shader resource entry, see
.- bindArraySize¶
If this binding is natively arrayed, how large is the array size. If not arrayed, this will be set to 1.
This value may be set to a very large number if the array is unbounded in the shader.
- Type
- fixedBindNumber¶
The fixed binding number for this binding. The interpretation of this is API-specific and it is provided purely for informational purposes and has no bearing on how data is accessed or described. Similarly some bindings don’t have a fixed bind number and the value here should not be relied on.
For OpenGL only, this value is not used as bindings are dynamic and cannot be determined by the shader reflection. Bindings must be determined only by the descriptor mapped to.
Generally speaking sorting by this number will give a reasonable ordering by binding if it exists.
Because this number is API-specific, there is no guarantee that it will be unique across all resources, though generally it will be unique within all binds of the same type. It should be used only within contexts that can interpret it API-specifically, or else for purely informational/non-semantic purposes like sorting.
- Type
- fixedBindSetOrSpace¶
The fixed binding set or space for this binding. This is API-specific, on Vulkan this gives the set and on D3D12 this gives the register space. It is provided purely for informational purposes and has no bearing on how data is accessed or described.
Generally speaking sorting by this number before
will give a reasonable ordering by binding if it exists.- Type
- name¶
The name of this sampler.
- class renderdoc.ShaderResource¶
Contains the information for a shader resource that is made accessible to shaders directly by means of the API resource binding system.
that constant blocks and samplers will not have a shader resource entry, see
.- bindArraySize¶
If this binding is natively arrayed, how large is the array size. If not arrayed, this will be set to 1.
This value may be set to a very large number if the array is unbounded in the shader.
- Type
- descriptorType¶
which this resource expects to access.- Type
- fixedBindNumber¶
The fixed binding number for this binding. The interpretation of this is API-specific and it is provided purely for informational purposes and has no bearing on how data is accessed or described. Similarly some bindings don’t have a fixed bind number and the value here should not be relied on.
For OpenGL only, this value is not used as bindings are dynamic and cannot be determined by the shader reflection. Bindings must be determined only by the descriptor mapped to.
Generally speaking sorting by this number will give a reasonable ordering by binding if it exists.
Because this number is API-specific, there is no guarantee that it will be unique across all resources, though generally it will be unique within all binds of the same type. It should be used only within contexts that can interpret it API-specifically, or else for purely informational/non-semantic purposes like sorting.
- Type
- fixedBindSetOrSpace¶
The fixed binding set or space for this binding. This is API-specific, on Vulkan this gives the set and on D3D12 this gives the register space. It is provided purely for informational purposes and has no bearing on how data is accessed or described.
Generally speaking sorting by this number before
will give a reasonable ordering by binding if it exists.- Type
- hasSampler¶
if this texture resource has a sampler as well.
- isInputAttachment¶
if this texture resource is a subpass input attachment.
- isReadOnly¶
if this resource is available to the shader for reading only, otherwise it is able to be read from and written to arbitrarily.
- isTexture¶
if this resource is a texture, otherwise it is a buffer.
- name¶
The name of this resource.
- textureType¶
that describes the type of this resource.- Type
- variableType¶
The type of each element of this resource.
- Type
Debug Info¶
- class renderdoc.ShaderDebugInfo¶
Contains the information about a shader contained within API-specific debugging information attached to the shader.
Primarily this means the embedded original source files.
- compileFlags¶
The flags used to compile this shader.
- Type
- compiler¶
of the compiling tool.- Type
- debugStatus¶
is false then this contains a simple explanation of why the shader is not supported for debugging
- debuggable¶
Indicates whether this particular shader can be debugged. In some cases even if the API can debug shaders in general, specific shaders cannot be debugged because they use unsupported functionality
- editBaseFile¶
The index of the file which should be used for re-editing this shader’s entry point.
This is an optional value, and if set to
you should fall back to using the file specified inentryLocation
, and if no file is specified there then use the first file listed.
- encoding¶
of the source. Seefiles
.- Type
- entryLocation¶
The source location of the first executable line or the entry point.
The information is not guaranteed to be available depending on the underlying shader format, so all of the elements are optional.
- Type
- entrySourceName¶
The name of the entry point in the source code, not necessarily the same as the entry point name exported to the API.
- Type
- files¶
The shader files encoded in the form denoted by
.The first entry in the list is always the file where the entry point is.
- Type
- sourceDebugInformation¶
Indicates whether this shader has debug information to allow source-level debugging.
- class renderdoc.ShaderEncoding(value)¶
Identifies a shader encoding used to pass shader code to an API.
- Unknown¶
Unknown or unprocessable format.
DXBC binary shader, used by D3D11 and D3D12.
GLSL in string format, used by OpenGL.
SPIR-V binary shader, as used by Vulkan. This format is technically not distinct from
but is considered unique here since it really should have been a different format, and introducing a separation allows better selection of tools automatically.
SPIR-V binary shader, as used by OpenGL. This format is technically not distinct from
but is considered unique here since it really should have been a different format, and introducing a separation allows better selection of tools automatically.
Canonical SPIR-V assembly form, used (indirectly via
) by OpenGL. SeeOpenGLSPIRV
and note that it’s artificially differentiated fromSPIRVAsm
HLSL in string format, used by D3D11, D3D12, and Vulkan/GL via compilation to SPIR-V.
DXIL binary shader, used by D3D12. Note that although the container is still DXBC format this is used to distinguish from
for compiler I/O matching.
- Slang¶
Slang in string format, used by the slang compiler for compilation to multiple backend formats.
- class renderdoc.KnownShaderTool(value)¶
Identifies a particular known tool used for shader processing.
- Unknown¶
Corresponds to no known tool.
- SPIRV_Cross¶
- SPIRV-Cross
targetting normal Vulkan flavoured SPIR-V.
- SPIRV_Cross_OpenGL¶
- SPIRV-Cross
targetting OpenGL extension flavoured SPIR-V.
- spirv_dis¶
- spirv-dis from SPIRV-Tools
targetting normal Vulkan flavoured SPIR-V.
- spirv_dis_OpenGL¶
- spirv-dis from SPIRV-Tools
targetting OpenGL extension flavoured SPIR-V.
- glslangValidatorGLSL¶
- glslang compiler (GLSL)
targetting normal Vulkan flavoured SPIR-V.
- glslangValidatorGLSL_OpenGL¶
- glslang compiler (GLSL)
targetting OpenGL extension flavoured SPIR-V.
- glslangValidatorHLSL¶
- spirv_as¶
- spirv-as from SPIRV-Tools
targetting normal Vulkan flavoured SPIR-V.
- spirv_as_OpenGL¶
- spirv-as from SPIRV-Tools
targetting OpenGL extension flavoured SPIR-V.
- dxcSPIRV¶
- DirectX Shader Compiler with Vulkan SPIR-V
- dxcDXIL¶
DirectX Shader Compiler with DXIL output.
- fxc¶
fxc Shader Compiler with DXBC output.
- slangSPIRV¶
Slang Shader Compiler with Vulkan SPIR-V output.
- slangDXIL¶
Slang Shader Compiler with DXIL output.
- renderdoc.ToolExecutable(tool)¶
Returns the default executable name with no suffix for a given
The executable name is returned with no suffix, e.g.
which may need a platform specific suffix like.exe
appended.- Parameters
tool# (KnownShaderTool) – The tool to get the executable name for.
- Returns
The default executable name for this tool, or an empty string if the tool is unrecognised.
- Return type
- renderdoc.ToolInput(tool)¶
Returns the expected default input
that aKnownShaderTool
expects. This may not be accurate and may be configurable depending on the tool.- Parameters
tool# (KnownShaderTool) – The tool to get the input encoding for.
- Returns
The encoding that this tool expects as an input by default.
- Return type
- renderdoc.ToolOutput(tool)¶
Returns the expected default output
that aKnownShaderTool
produces. This may not be accurate and may be configurable depending on the tool.- Parameters
tool# (KnownShaderTool) – The tool to get the output encoding for.
- Returns
The encoding that this tool produces as an output by default.
- Return type
- renderdoc.IsTextRepresentation(encoding)¶
Check whether or not this is a human readable text representation.
- Parameters
encoding# (ShaderEncoding) – The encoding to check.
- Returns
if it describes a text representation,False
for a bytecode representation.- Return type
- class renderdoc.ShaderEntryPoint¶
Describes an entry point in a shader.
- name¶
The name of the entry point.
- stage¶
for this entry point .
- class renderdoc.ShaderSourceFile¶
Contains a source file available in a debug-compiled shader.
- contents¶
The actual contents of the file.
- filename¶
The filename of this source file.
- class renderdoc.ShaderCompileFlags¶
Contains the information about the compilation environment of a shader
- flags¶
The API or compiler specific flags used to compile this shader originally.
- Type
Shader Constants¶
- class renderdoc.ShaderConstant¶
Contains the detail of a constant within a struct, such as a
, with its type and relative location in memory.- bitFieldOffset¶
If the variable is bitfield packed, the bit offset from
above where this variable starts.If the variable is not a bitfield, this value will be 0. Only integer scalars will have bitfield packing.
Although the offset specified in
is in bytes, this bitfield offset may be larger than 0 depending on the surrounding values and their types and packing. However it is guaranteed that the offset and the size (frombitFieldSize
) will be contained within the normal bit size for the variable type. For example if the variable type is a 32-bit integer, the offsets may range from 0 to 31 and the sum of offset and size will be no more than 32. If the variable is an 8-bit integer, similarly the offset will be 0 to 7 and the sum will be no more than 8.
- bitFieldSize¶
If the variable is bitfield packed, the number of bits this variable spans starting from
into memory.If the variable is not a bitfield, this value will be 0. Only integer scalars will have bitfield packing.
- byteOffset¶
The byte offset of this constant relative to the parent structure
- defaultValue¶
If this constant is no larger than a 64-bit constant, gives a default value for it.
- name¶
The name of this constant
- type¶
The type information for this constant.
- Type
- class renderdoc.ShaderConstantType¶
Describes the type and members of a
.- ColMajor()¶
Helper function for checking if
does not haveShaderVariableFlags.RowMajorMatrix
set. This is entirely equivalent to checking that flag manually, but since it is common this helper is provided.Note
Vectors and scalars will be marked as row-major by convention for convenience.
- Returns
If the storage is column-major order in memory
- Return type
- RowMajor()¶
Helper function for checking if
set. This is entirely equivalent to checking that flag manually, but since it is common this helper is provided.Note
Vectors and scalars will be marked as row-major by convention for convenience.
- Returns
If the storage is row-major order in memory
- Return type
- arrayByteStride¶
The number of bytes between the start of one element in the array and the next.
- columns¶
The number of columns in this matrix.
- elements¶
The number of elements in the array, or 1 if it’s not an array.
- flags¶
The flags controlling how this constant is interpreted and displayed.
- Type
- matrixByteStride¶
The number of bytes between the start of one column/row in a matrix and the next.
- members¶
Any members that this constant may contain.
- Type
- name¶
The name of the type of this constant, e.g. a
- pointerTypeID¶
The index in
of the pointee type.
- rows¶
The number of rows in this matrix.
- class renderdoc.ShaderVariableFlags(value)¶
A set of flags for events that control how a shader/buffer value is interpreted and displayed
- NoFlags¶
No flags are specified.
- RowMajorMatrix¶
This matrix is stored in row-major order in memory, instead of column-major. In RenderDoc values are always provided row-major regardless, for consistency of access, but if this flag is not present then the original values were in column order in memory, so the data has been transposed.
- HexDisplay¶
This value should be displayed using hexadecimal where possible.
- BinaryDisplay¶
This value should be displayed using binary where possible.
- RGBDisplay¶
This value should be interpreted as an RGB colour for display where possible.
- R11G11B10¶
This value should be decoded from a 32-bit integer in R11G11B10 packing format.
- R10G10B10A2¶
This value should be decoded from a 32-bit integer in R10G10B10A2 packing format.
- UNorm¶
This value should be treated as unsigned normalised floating point values when interpreting.
- SNorm¶
This value should be treated as signed normalised floating point values when interpreting.
- Truncated¶
This value was truncated when reading - the available range was exhausted.
- SignedEnum¶
For enums, the base type is a signed integer allowing signed values.
- class renderdoc.VarType(value)¶
Represents the base type of a shader variable in debugging or constant blocks.
- Float¶
A single-precision (32-bit) floating point value.
- Double¶
A double-precision (64-bit) floating point value.
- Half¶
A half-precision (16-bit) floating point value.
- SInt¶
A signed 32-bit integer value.
- UInt¶
An unsigned 32-bit integer value.
- SShort¶
A signed 16-bit integer value.
- UShort¶
An unsigned 16-bit integer value.
- SLong¶
A signed 64-bit integer value.
- ULong¶
An unsigned 64-bit integer value.
- SByte¶
A signed 8-bit integer value.
- UByte¶
An unsigned 8-bit integer value.
- Bool¶
A boolean value.
- Enum¶
An enum - each member gives a named value, and the type itself is stored as an integer.
- Struct¶
A structure with some number of members.
- GPUPointer¶
A 64-bit pointer into GPU-addressable memory. Variables with this type are stored with opaque contents and should be decoded with
- ConstantBlock¶
A reference to a constant block bound to the shader. Variables with this type are stored with opaque contents and should be decoded with
- ReadOnlyResource¶
A reference to a read only resource bound to the shader. Variables with this type are stored with opaque contents and should be decoded with
- ReadWriteResource¶
A reference to a read/write resource bound to the shader. Variables with this type are stored with opaque contents and should be decoded with
- Sampler¶
A reference to a sampler bound to the shader. Variables with this type are stored with opaque contents and should be decoded with
- Unknown¶
An unknown type.
- renderdoc.VarTypeByteSize(type)¶
Get the byte size of a variable type.
Shader Debugging¶
- class renderdoc.ShaderDebugTrace¶
This stores the whole state of a shader’s execution from start to finish, with each individual debugging step along the way, as well as the immutable global constant values that do not change with shader execution.
- constantBlocks¶
Constant buffer backed variables for this shader.
Each entry in this list corresponds to a constant block with the same index in the
list, which can be used to look up the metadata.Depending on the underlying shader representation, the constant block may retain any structure or it may have been vectorised and flattened.
- Type
- debugger¶
An opaque handle identifying by the underlying debugger, which is used to simulate the shader and generate new debug states.
If this is
then the trace is invalid.- Type
- inputs¶
The input variables for this shader.
- Type
- instInfo¶
An array of the same size as the number of instructions in the shader, with per-instruction information such as source line mapping, and source variables.
This array is not indexed by instruction. Since it is common for adjacent instructions to have effectively identical source information, this array only stores unique information ordered by instruction. On some internal representations this may be one entry per instruction, and on others it may be sparse and require a binary lookup to locate the corresponding information for an instruction. If no direct match is found, the lower bound match is valid (i.e. the data for instruction A before the data for instruction B is valid for all instructions in range
[A, B)
.- Type
- readOnlyResources¶
The read-only resource variables for this shader.
The ‘value’ of the variable is always a single unsigned integer, which is the bindpoint - an index into the
list, which can be used to look up the other metadata as well as find the binding from the pipeline state.- Type
- readWriteResources¶
The read-write resource variables for this shader.
The ‘value’ of the variable is always a single unsigned integer, which is the bindpoint - an index into the
list, which can be used to look up the other metadata as well as find the binding from the pipeline state.- Type
- samplers¶
The sampler variables for this shader.
The ‘value’ of the variable is always a single unsigned integer, which is the bindpoint - an index into the
list, which can be used to look up the other metadata as well as find the binding from the pipeline state.- Type
- sourceVars¶
An optional mapping from high-level source variables to which debug variables and includes extra type information.
This list contains source variable mapping that is valid for the lifetime of a debug trace. It may be empty if there is no source variable mapping that extends to the life of the debug trace.
- Type
- stage¶
The shader stage being debugged in this trace
- class renderdoc.ShaderDebugger¶
An opaque structure that has internal state for shader debugging
- class renderdoc.SourceVariableMapping¶
Maps the contents of a high-level source variable to one or more shader variables in a
, with type information.A single high-level variable may be represented by multiple mappings but only along regular boundaries, typically whole vectors. For example an array may have each element in a different mapping, or a matrix may have a mapping per row. The properties such as
reflect the parent object.Note
There is not necessarily a 1:1 mapping from source variable to debug variable, so this can change over time.
- columns¶
The number of columns in this variable.
- name¶
The name and member of this source variable that’s being mapped from.
- offset¶
The offset in the parent source variable, for struct members. Useful for sorting.
- rows¶
The number of rows in this variable - 1 for vectors, >1 for matrices.
- signatureIndex¶
The index in the input or output signature of the shader that this variable represents.
The type of signature can be disambiguated by the debug variables referenced - inputs are stored separately.
This will be set to -1 if the variable is not part of either signature.
- type¶
The variable type of the source being mapped from, if the debug variable is untyped.
- variables¶
The debug variables that the components of this high level variable map to. Multiple ranges could refer to the same variable if a contiguous range is mapped to - the mapping is component-by-component to greatly simplify algorithms at the expense of a small amount of storage space.
- Type
- class renderdoc.DebugVariableReference¶
A particular component of a debugging variable that a high-level variable component maps to
- component¶
The component within the variable.
- name¶
The name of the base debug variable.
- type¶
The type of variable this is referring to.
- class renderdoc.DebugVariableType(value)¶
Represents the category of debugging variable that a source variable maps to.
- Undefined¶
Undefined type.
- Input¶
A constant input value, stored globally.
- Constant¶
A constant buffer value, stored globally.
- Sampler¶
A sampler, stored globally.
- ReadOnlyResource¶
A read-only resource, stored globally.
- ReadWriteResource¶
A read-write resource, stored globally.
- Variable¶
A mutable variable, stored per state.
- class renderdoc.LineColumnInfo¶
Details the current region of code that an instruction maps to
- SourceEqual(o)¶
- Parameters
o# (LineColumnInfo) – The object to compare against.
- Returns
if this object is equal to the parameter, disregardingdisassemblyLine
.- Return type
- colEnd¶
The column number (starting from 1) of the end of the code on the line specified by
. If set to 0, no column information is available and the whole lines should be treated as covering the code.
- colStart¶
The column number (starting from 1) of the start of the code on the line specified by
. If set to 0, no column information is available and the whole lines should be treated as covering the code.
- disassemblyLine¶
The line (starting from 1) in the disassembly where this instruction is located.
- fileIndex¶
The current file, as an index into the list of files for this shader.
If this is negative, no source mapping is available and only
is valid.
- lineEnd¶
The ending line-number (starting from 1) of the source code.
- lineStart¶
The starting line-number (starting from 1) of the source code.
- class renderdoc.InstructionSourceInfo¶
Gives per-instruction source code mapping information, including what line(s) correspond to this instruction and which source variables exist
- instruction¶
The instruction that this information is for.
- lineInfo¶
The source location that this instruction corresponds to
- Type
- sourceVars¶
An optional mapping of which high-level source variables map to which debug variables and including extra type information.
This list contains source variable mapping that is only valid at this instruction, and is fully complete & redundant including all previous source variables that are still valid at this instruction.
- Type
- class renderdoc.ShaderDebugState¶
This stores the current state of shader debugging at one particular step in the shader, with all mutable variable contents.
- callstack¶
The function names in the current callstack at this instruction.
The oldest/outer function is first in the list, the newest/inner function is last.
- Type
- changes¶
The changes in mutable variables for this shader. The change documents the bidirectional change of variables, so that a single state can be updated either forwards or backwards using the information.
- Type
- flags¶
A set of
flags that indicate what events happened on this step.
- nextInstruction¶
The next instruction to be executed after this state. The initial state before any shader execution happened will have
nextInstruction == 0
- stepIndex¶
The program counter within the debug trace. The initial state will be index 0, and it will increment linearly after that regardless of loops or branching.
- class renderdoc.ShaderEvents(value)¶
A set of flags for events that may occur while debugging a shader
- NoEvent¶
No event has occurred.
- SampleLoadGather¶
A texture was sampled, loaded or gathered.
- GeneratedNanOrInf¶
A floating point operation generated a
- class renderdoc.ShaderVariableChange¶
This stores the before and after state of a
.- after¶
The value of the variable after the change. If this variable is uninitialised that means the variable stopped existing on this step.
- Type
- before¶
The value of the variable before the change. If this variable is uninitialised that means the variable came into existance on this step.
- Type
Shader Variables¶
- class renderdoc.ShaderVariable¶
Holds a single named shader variable. It contains either a primitive type (up to a 4x4 matrix of a
basic type
) or a list of members, which can either be struct or array members of this parent variable.Matrices are always stored row-major. If necessary they are transposed when retrieving from the raw data bytes when they are specified to be column-major in the API/shader metadata.
- ColMajor()¶
Helper function for checking if
does not haveShaderVariableFlags.RowMajorMatrix
set. This is entirely equivalent to checking that flag manually, but since it is common this helper is provided.Note
Vectors and scalars will be marked as row-major by convention for convenience.
- Returns
If the storage is column-major order in memory
- Return type
- GetBindIndex()¶
Utility function for getting a shader binding referenced by this variable.
The return value is undefined if this variable is not a binding reference.
- Returns
with the binding referenced.- Return type
- GetDirectAccess()¶
Utility function for getting the resource which is accessed directly from a shader without using bindings.
The return value is undefined if this variable is not a resource referenced directly by a shader.
- Returns
containing the resource reference.- Return type
- GetPointer()¶
Utility function for getting a pointer value, with optional type information.
The return value is undefined if this variable is not a pointer.
- Returns
with the pointer value.- Return type
- IsDirectAccess()¶
Utility function to check if this variable stores a resource reference directly accessed by a shader.
- Returns
If the variable represents a
.- Return type
- RowMajor()¶
Helper function for checking if
set. This is entirely equivalent to checking that flag manually, but since it is common this helper is provided.Note
Vectors and scalars will be marked as row-major by convention for convenience.
- Returns
If the storage is row-major order in memory
- Return type
- SetBindIndex(idx)¶
Utility function for setting a reference to a shader binding.
uniquely refers to a given shader binding in one of the shader interfaces (constant blocks, samplers, read-only and read-write resources) and if necessary the element within an arrayed binding.- Parameters
idx# (ShaderBindIndex) – The index of the bind being referred to.
- SetDirectAccess(access)¶
Utility function for setting a resource which is accessed directly from a shader without using bindings.
uniquely refers to a resource descriptor.- Parameters
access# (ShaderDirectAccess) – The resource descriptor being referenced.
- SetTypedPointer(pointer, shader, pointerTypeID)¶
Utility function for setting a pointer value with type information.
- Parameters
pointer# (int) – The actual pointer value.
shader# (ResourceId) – The shader containing the type information.
pointerTypeID# (int) – The type’s index in the shader’s
- SetTypelessPointer(pointer)¶
Utility function for setting a pointer value with no type information.
- Parameters
pointer# (int) – The actual pointer value.
- columns¶
The number of columns in this matrix.
- flags¶
The flags controlling how this constant is interpreted and displayed.
- Type
- members¶
The members of this variable.
- Type
- name¶
The name of this variable.
- rows¶
The number of rows in this matrix.
- type¶
basic type
of this variable.
- value¶
The contents of this variable if it has no members.
- Type
- class renderdoc.ShaderValue¶
A C union that holds 16 values, with each different basic variable type.
- f16v¶
16-tuple of 16-bit half-precision float values.
- Type
- f32v¶
16-tuple of
values.- Type
- f64v¶
16-tuple of
values.- Type
- s16v¶
16-tuple of 16-bit signed integer values.
- Type
- s32v¶
16-tuple of 32-bit signed integer values.
- Type
- s64v¶
16-tuple of 64-bit signed integer values.
- Type
- s8v¶
16-tuple of 8-bit signed integer values.
- Type
- u16v¶
16-tuple of 16-bit unsigned integer values.
- Type
- u32v¶
16-tuple of 32-bit unsigned integer values.
- Type
- u64v¶
16-tuple of 64-bit unsigned integer values.
- Type
- u8v¶
16-tuple of 8-bit unsigned integer values.
- Type
- class renderdoc.PointerVal¶
A 64-bit pointer value with optional type information.
- pointer¶
The actual pointer value itself.
- pointerTypeID¶
The index into
of the pointed type.
- shader¶
An optional
identifying the shader containing the type info.
- class renderdoc.ShaderBindIndex¶
References a particular individual binding element in a shader interface.
This is the shader interface side of a
and so can be compared to one to check if an access refers to a given index or not.The context of which shader reflection this index refers to must be provided to properly interpret this information, as it is relative to a particular
.- arrayElement¶
If the binding identified by
is arrayed, this identifies the particular array index being referred to.- Type
- category¶
The type of binding this refers to, with each category referring to a different shader interface in the
.- Type
- class renderdoc.ShaderDirectAccess¶
References a particular resource accessed via the shader using direct heap access (as opposed to a direct binding).
- byteOffset¶
The offset in bytes to the descriptor in the descriptor store.
- Type
- byteSize¶
The size in bytes of the descriptor.
- Type
- category¶
The category of the resource being accessed.
- Type
- descriptorStore¶
The backing storage of the descriptor.
- Type