Save a texture to disk

In this example we will find a particular action, and save the color output to disk as an image file.

To begin with, so that we have an interesting action selected we iterate over the list of actions finding the draw with the highest vertex count. For more on how to iterate through a capture’s list of actions, see Iterate Action tree.

Once we have set the draw we want as the current event, we can configure the texture save operation. To do this we create a TextureSave object. The properties of the object determine how the texture will be mapped to an image file to be saved to disk.

At minimum you need to select a file format, and we’ll try a few - JPG, HDR, PNG, and DDS.

For JPG and HDR, alpha is not supported so we choose to blend to a checkerboard pattern in RGB, so the alpha is ‘visible’. You can also choose other alpha operations. For the other formats they support alpha natively so we preserve it.

DDS is the only format that supports mip levels and array slices, so we choose to keep all of these in the output file instead of selecting only one. It is also possible to map array slices into a grid to display an array texture in a single-image format.

DDS will also support the exact format that the texture is in, rather than encoding it to a different precision.

Example Source

Download the example script.

import sys

# Import renderdoc if not already imported (e.g. in the UI)
if 'renderdoc' not in sys.modules and '_renderdoc' not in sys.modules:
	import renderdoc

# Alias renderdoc for legibility
rd = renderdoc

# Recursively search for the drawcall with the most vertices
def biggestDraw(prevBiggest, d):
	ret = prevBiggest
	if ret == None or d.numIndices > ret.numIndices:
		ret = d

	for c in d.children:
		biggest = biggestDraw(ret, c)

		if biggest.numIndices > ret.numIndices:
			ret = biggest

	return ret

def sampleCode(controller):
	# Find the biggest drawcall in the whole capture
	draw = None
	for d in controller.GetRootActions():
		draw = biggestDraw(draw, d)

	# Move to that draw
	controller.SetFrameEvent(draw.eventId, True)

	texsave = rd.TextureSave()

	# Select the first color output
	texsave.resourceId = draw.outputs[0]

	if texsave.resourceId == rd.ResourceId.Null():
	filename = str(int(texsave.resourceId))

	print("Saving images of %s at %d: %s" % (filename, draw.eventId, draw.GetName(controller.GetStructuredFile())))

	# Save different types of texture

	# Blend alpha to a checkerboard pattern for formats without alpha support
	texsave.alpha = rd.AlphaMapping.BlendToCheckerboard

	# Most formats can only display a single image per file, so we select the
	# first mip and first slice
	texsave.mip = 0
	texsave.slice.sliceIndex = 0

	texsave.destType = rd.FileType.JPG
	controller.SaveTexture(texsave, filename + ".jpg")

	texsave.destType = rd.FileType.HDR
	controller.SaveTexture(texsave, filename + ".hdr")

	# For formats with an alpha channel, preserve it
	texsave.alpha = rd.AlphaMapping.Preserve

	texsave.destType = rd.FileType.PNG
	controller.SaveTexture(texsave, filename + ".png")

	# DDS textures can save multiple mips and array slices, so instead
	# of the default behaviour of saving mip 0 and slice 0, we set -1
	# which saves *all* mips and slices
	texsave.mip = -1
	texsave.slice.sliceIndex = -1

	texsave.destType = rd.FileType.DDS
	controller.SaveTexture(texsave, filename + ".dds")

def loadCapture(filename):
	# Open a capture file handle
	cap = rd.OpenCaptureFile()

	# Open a particular file - see also OpenBuffer to load from memory
	result = cap.OpenFile(filename, '', None)

	# Make sure the file opened successfully
	if result != rd.ResultCode.Succeeded:
		raise RuntimeError("Couldn't open file: " + str(result))

	# Make sure we can replay
	if not cap.LocalReplaySupport():
		raise RuntimeError("Capture cannot be replayed")

	# Initialise the replay
	result,controller = cap.OpenCapture(rd.ReplayOptions(), None)

	if result != rd.ResultCode.Succeeded:
		raise RuntimeError("Couldn't initialise replay: " + str(result))

	return (cap, controller)

if 'pyrenderdoc' in globals():
	rd.InitialiseReplay(rd.GlobalEnvironment(), [])

	if len(sys.argv) <= 1:
		print('Usage: python3 {} filename.rdc'.format(sys.argv[0]))

	cap,controller = loadCapture(sys.argv[1])


