Decoding Mesh Data

In this example we will fetch the geometry inputs to and outputs from a vertex shader. While this sample does not handle all possible edge cases, it is more complex than most others.

First we gather the API state that describes the vertex input data. In this example we will use the API abstraction PipeState so that this code works on a capture from any API:

state = controller.GetPipelineState()

# Get the index & vertex buffers, and fixed vertex inputs
ib = state.GetIBuffer()
vbs = state.GetVBuffers()
attrs = state.GetVertexInputs()

We iterate over every attribute defined, and create an object that describes where to source it from, based on MeshFormat - since that is the format returned by GetPostVSData() this allows us to re-use code.

In the object we pass both the indices (which does not vary per attribute in our case) as well as the data for the vertex buffer the attribute comes from.

for attr in attrs:
        # We don't handle instance attributes
        if attr.perInstance:
                raise RuntimeError("Instanced properties are not supported!")

        meshInput = MeshData()
        meshInput.indexResourceId = ib.resourceId
        meshInput.indexByteOffset = ib.byteOffset
        meshInput.indexByteStride = ib.byteStride
        meshInput.baseVertex = draw.baseVertex
        meshInput.indexOffset = draw.indexOffset
        meshInput.numIndices = draw.numIndices

        # If the draw doesn't use an index buffer, don't use it even if bound
        if not (draw.flags & rd.ActionFlags.Indexed):
                meshInput.indexResourceId = rd.ResourceId.Null()

        # The total offset is the attribute offset from the base of the vertex
        meshInput.vertexByteOffset = attr.byteOffset + vbs[attr.vertexBuffer].byteOffset + draw.vertexOffset * vbs[attr.vertexBuffer].byteStride
        meshInput.format = attr.format
        meshInput.vertexResourceId = vbs[attr.vertexBuffer].resourceId
        meshInput.vertexByteStride = vbs[attr.vertexBuffer].byteStride =


Next we fetch the index data using GetBufferData(), applying any offsets that might be present, and decode it using python’s struct module. If we’re not using index buffers, then we just generate a range of indices from the first vertex up to the number of indices.

def getIndices(controller, mesh):
    # Get the character for the width of index
    indexFormat = 'B'
    if mesh.indexByteStride == 2:
        indexFormat = 'H'
    elif mesh.indexByteStride == 4:
        indexFormat = 'I'

    # Duplicate the format by the number of indices
    indexFormat = str(mesh.numIndices) + indexFormat

    # If we have an index buffer
    if mesh.indexResourceId != rd.ResourceId.Null():
        # Fetch the data
        ibdata = controller.GetBufferData(mesh.indexResourceId, mesh.indexByteOffset, 0)

        # Unpack all the indices, starting from the first index to fetch
        offset = mesh.indexOffset * mesh.indexByteStride
        indices = struct.unpack_from(indexFormat, ibdata, offset)

        # Apply the baseVertex offset
        return [i + mesh.baseVertex for i in indices]
        # With no index buffer, just generate a range
        return tuple(range(mesh.numIndices))

To begin with, we define a helper that will read a given variable out of a bytes object, using a ResourceFormat do define the size and format of the data.

We only handle simple regular formatted types, rather than bit-packed types, to simplify the code. As a shortcut, we use a hash of strings, where the hash key is the component type, and then the character index in the string is the byte width. This gives us the struct.unpack character to decode one component of the variable, then we prepend the number of components to fetch.

For normalised formats - UNorm and SNorm - we also divide the resulting integer value to get the final floating point value used.

# Unpack a tuple of the given format, from the data
def unpackData(fmt, data):
    # We don't handle 'special' formats - typically bit-packed such as 10:10:10:2
    if fmt.Special():
        raise RuntimeError("Packed formats are not supported!")

    formatChars = {}
    #                                 012345678
    formatChars[rd.CompType.UInt]  = "xBHxIxxxL"
    formatChars[rd.CompType.SInt]  = "xbhxixxxl"
    formatChars[rd.CompType.Float] = "xxexfxxxd" # only 2, 4 and 8 are valid

    # These types have identical decodes, but we might post-process them
    formatChars[rd.CompType.UNorm] = formatChars[rd.CompType.UInt]
    formatChars[rd.CompType.UScaled] = formatChars[rd.CompType.UInt]
    formatChars[rd.CompType.SNorm] = formatChars[rd.CompType.SInt]
    formatChars[rd.CompType.SScaled] = formatChars[rd.CompType.SInt]

    # We need to fetch compCount components
    vertexFormat = str(fmt.compCount) + formatChars[fmt.compType][fmt.compByteWidth]

    # Unpack the data
    value = struct.unpack_from(vertexFormat, data, 0)

    # If the format needs post-processing such as normalisation, do that now
    if fmt.compType == rd.CompType.UNorm:
        divisor = float((2 ** (fmt.compByteWidth * 8)) - 1)
        value = tuple(float(i) / divisor for i in value)
    elif fmt.compType == rd.CompType.SNorm:
        maxNeg = -float(2 ** (fmt.compByteWidth * 8)) / 2
        divisor = float(-(maxNeg-1))
        value = tuple((float(i) if (i == maxNeg) else (float(i) / divisor)) for i in value)

    # If the format is BGRA, swap the two components
    if fmt.BGRAOrder():
        value = tuple(value[i] for i in [2, 1, 0, 3])

    return value

Finally with that helper defined we can iterate over each attribute for the first three indices:

indices = getIndices(controller, meshData[0])

# We'll decode the first three indices making up a triangle
for i in range(0, 3):
        idx = indices[i]

        print("Vertex %d is index %d:" % (i, idx))

for attr in meshData:

Using the index, we can fetch the right vertex data for each vertex’s attribute using GetBufferData() again. This simplified approach is very wasteful since we re-fetch the same vertex data for each vertex buffer over and over. A more realistic sample would cache the vertex data:

# This is the data we're reading from. This would be good to cache instead of
# re-fetching for every attribute for every index
offset = attr.vertexByteOffset + attr.vertexByteStride * idx
data = controller.GetBufferData(attr.vertexResourceId, offset, 0)

# Get the value from the data
value = unpackData(attr.format, data)

# We don't go into the details of semantic matching here, just print both
print("\tAttribute '%s': %s" % (, str(value)))

For the vertex outputs, we do something very similar but instead of fetching the attributes from state bindings, we look at the shader reflection data of the vertex. Similarly instead of fetching the vertex byte data from bound vertex buffers, we call GetPostVSData() to fetch it from the analysis.

In the case of vertex outputs there is no explicit offset available, so we calculate our own offsets. Note that for some APIs like Vulkan the outputs are not necessarily tightly packed, so padding calculations may be necessary.

The position output is also treated specially - it always appears first, regardless of the actual order of the outputs. We solve this by noting which output is the builtin position output, and shuffling it to the start of the array.

posidx = 0

vs = controller.GetPipelineState().GetShaderReflection(rd.ShaderStage.Vertex)

# Repeat the process, but this time sourcing the data from postvs.
# Since these are outputs, we iterate over the list of outputs from the
# vertex shader's reflection data
for attr in vs.outputSignature:
        # Copy most properties from the postvs struct
        meshOutput = MeshData()
        meshOutput.indexResourceId = postvs.indexResourceId
        meshOutput.indexByteOffset = postvs.indexByteOffset
        meshOutput.indexByteStride = postvs.indexByteStride
        meshOutput.baseVertex = postvs.baseVertex
        meshOutput.indexOffset = 0
        meshOutput.numIndices = postvs.numIndices

        # The total offset is the attribute offset from the base of the vertex,
        # as calculated by the stride per index
        meshOutput.vertexByteOffset = postvs.vertexByteOffset
        meshOutput.vertexResourceId = postvs.vertexResourceId
        meshOutput.vertexByteStride = postvs.vertexByteStride

        # Construct a resource format for this element
        meshOutput.format = rd.ResourceFormat()
        meshOutput.format.compByteWidth = rd.VarTypeByteSize(attr.varType)
        meshOutput.format.compCount = attr.compCount
        meshOutput.format.compType = rd.VarTypeCompType(attr.varType)
        meshOutput.format.type = rd.ResourceFormatType.Regular = attr.semanticIdxName if attr.varName == '' else attr.varName

        if attr.systemValue == rd.ShaderBuiltin.Position:
                posidx = len(meshOutputs)


# Shuffle the position element to the front
if posidx > 0:
        pos = meshOutputs[posidx]
        del meshOutputs[posidx]
        meshOutputs.insert(0, pos)

accumOffset = 0

for i in range(0, len(meshOutputs)):
        meshOutputs[i].vertexByteOffset = accumOffset

        # Note that some APIs such as Vulkan will pad the size of the attribute here
        # while others will tightly pack
        fmt = meshOutputs[i].format

        accumOffset += (8 if fmt.compByteWidth > 4 else 4) * fmt.compCount

Example Source

Download the example script.

import sys

# Import renderdoc if not already imported (e.g. in the UI)
if 'renderdoc' not in sys.modules and '_renderdoc' not in sys.modules:
	import renderdoc

# Alias renderdoc for legibility
rd = renderdoc

# We'll need the struct data to read out of bytes objects
import struct

# We base our data on a MeshFormat, but we add some properties
class MeshData(rd.MeshFormat):
	indexOffset = 0
	name = ''

# Recursively search for the drawcall with the most vertices
def biggestDraw(prevBiggest, d):
	ret = prevBiggest
	if ret == None or d.numIndices > ret.numIndices:
		ret = d

	for c in d.children:
		biggest = biggestDraw(ret, c)

		if biggest.numIndices > ret.numIndices:
			ret = biggest

	return ret

# Unpack a tuple of the given format, from the data
def unpackData(fmt, data):
	# We don't handle 'special' formats - typically bit-packed such as 10:10:10:2
	if fmt.Special():
		raise RuntimeError("Packed formats are not supported!")

	formatChars = {}
	#                                 012345678
	formatChars[rd.CompType.UInt]  = "xBHxIxxxL"
	formatChars[rd.CompType.SInt]  = "xbhxixxxl"
	formatChars[rd.CompType.Float] = "xxexfxxxd" # only 2, 4 and 8 are valid

	# These types have identical decodes, but we might post-process them
	formatChars[rd.CompType.UNorm] = formatChars[rd.CompType.UInt]
	formatChars[rd.CompType.UScaled] = formatChars[rd.CompType.UInt]
	formatChars[rd.CompType.SNorm] = formatChars[rd.CompType.SInt]
	formatChars[rd.CompType.SScaled] = formatChars[rd.CompType.SInt]

	# We need to fetch compCount components
	vertexFormat = str(fmt.compCount) + formatChars[fmt.compType][fmt.compByteWidth]

	# Unpack the data
	value = struct.unpack_from(vertexFormat, data, 0)

	# If the format needs post-processing such as normalisation, do that now
	if fmt.compType == rd.CompType.UNorm:
		divisor = float((2 ** (fmt.compByteWidth * 8)) - 1)
		value = tuple(float(i) / divisor for i in value)
	elif fmt.compType == rd.CompType.SNorm:
		maxNeg = -float(2 ** (fmt.compByteWidth * 8)) / 2
		divisor = float(-(maxNeg-1))
		value = tuple((float(i) if (i == maxNeg) else (float(i) / divisor)) for i in value)

	# If the format is BGRA, swap the two components
	if fmt.BGRAOrder():
		value = tuple(value[i] for i in [2, 1, 0, 3])

	return value

# Get a list of MeshData objects describing the vertex inputs at this draw
def getMeshInputs(controller, draw):
	state = controller.GetPipelineState()

	# Get the index & vertex buffers, and fixed vertex inputs
	ib = state.GetIBuffer()
	vbs = state.GetVBuffers()
	attrs = state.GetVertexInputs()

	meshInputs = []

	for attr in attrs:

		# We don't handle instance attributes
		if attr.perInstance:
			raise RuntimeError("Instanced properties are not supported!")
		meshInput = MeshData()
		meshInput.indexResourceId = ib.resourceId
		meshInput.indexByteOffset = ib.byteOffset
		meshInput.indexByteStride = ib.byteStride
		meshInput.baseVertex = draw.baseVertex
		meshInput.indexOffset = draw.indexOffset
		meshInput.numIndices = draw.numIndices

		# If the draw doesn't use an index buffer, don't use it even if bound
		if not (draw.flags & rd.ActionFlags.Indexed):
			meshInput.indexResourceId = rd.ResourceId.Null()

		# The total offset is the attribute offset from the base of the vertex
		meshInput.vertexByteOffset = attr.byteOffset + vbs[attr.vertexBuffer].byteOffset + draw.vertexOffset * vbs[attr.vertexBuffer].byteStride
		meshInput.format = attr.format
		meshInput.vertexResourceId = vbs[attr.vertexBuffer].resourceId
		meshInput.vertexByteStride = vbs[attr.vertexBuffer].byteStride =


	return meshInputs

# Get a list of MeshData objects describing the vertex outputs at this draw
def getMeshOutputs(controller, postvs):
	meshOutputs = []
	posidx = 0

	vs = controller.GetPipelineState().GetShaderReflection(rd.ShaderStage.Vertex)

	# Repeat the process, but this time sourcing the data from postvs.
	# Since these are outputs, we iterate over the list of outputs from the
	# vertex shader's reflection data
	for attr in vs.outputSignature:
		# Copy most properties from the postvs struct
		meshOutput = MeshData()
		meshOutput.indexResourceId = postvs.indexResourceId
		meshOutput.indexByteOffset = postvs.indexByteOffset
		meshOutput.indexByteStride = postvs.indexByteStride
		meshOutput.baseVertex = postvs.baseVertex
		meshOutput.indexOffset = 0
		meshOutput.numIndices = postvs.numIndices

		# The total offset is the attribute offset from the base of the vertex,
		# as calculated by the stride per index
		meshOutput.vertexByteOffset = postvs.vertexByteOffset
		meshOutput.vertexResourceId = postvs.vertexResourceId
		meshOutput.vertexByteStride = postvs.vertexByteStride

		# Construct a resource format for this element
		meshOutput.format = rd.ResourceFormat()
		meshOutput.format.compByteWidth = rd.VarTypeByteSize(attr.varType)
		meshOutput.format.compCount = attr.compCount
		meshOutput.format.compType = rd.VarTypeCompType(attr.varType)
		meshOutput.format.type = rd.ResourceFormatType.Regular = attr.semanticIdxName if attr.varName == '' else attr.varName

		if attr.systemValue == rd.ShaderBuiltin.Position:
			posidx = len(meshOutputs)

	# Shuffle the position element to the front
	if posidx > 0:
		pos = meshOutputs[posidx]
		del meshOutputs[posidx]
		meshOutputs.insert(0, pos)

	accumOffset = 0

	for i in range(0, len(meshOutputs)):
		meshOutputs[i].vertexByteOffset = accumOffset

		# Note that some APIs such as Vulkan will pad the size of the attribute here
		# while others will tightly pack
		fmt = meshOutputs[i].format

		accumOffset += (8 if fmt.compByteWidth > 4 else 4) * fmt.compCount

	return meshOutputs

def getIndices(controller, mesh):
	# Get the character for the width of index
	indexFormat = 'B'
	if mesh.indexByteStride == 2:
		indexFormat = 'H'
	elif mesh.indexByteStride == 4:
		indexFormat = 'I'

	# Duplicate the format by the number of indices
	indexFormat = str(mesh.numIndices) + indexFormat

	# If we have an index buffer
	if mesh.indexResourceId != rd.ResourceId.Null():
		# Fetch the data
		ibdata = controller.GetBufferData(mesh.indexResourceId, mesh.indexByteOffset, 0)

		# Unpack all the indices, starting from the first index to fetch
		offset = mesh.indexOffset * mesh.indexByteStride
		indices = struct.unpack_from(indexFormat, ibdata, offset)

		# Apply the baseVertex offset
		return [i + mesh.baseVertex for i in indices]
		# With no index buffer, just generate a range
		return tuple(range(mesh.numIndices))

def printMeshData(controller, meshData):
	indices = getIndices(controller, meshData[0])

	print("Mesh configuration:")
	for attr in meshData:
		print("\t%s:" %
		print("\t\t- vertex: %s / %d stride" % (attr.vertexResourceId,  attr.vertexByteStride))
		print("\t\t- format: %s x %s @ %d" % (attr.format.compType, attr.format.compCount, attr.vertexByteOffset))

	# We'll decode the first three indices making up a triangle
	for i in range(0, 3):
		idx = indices[i]

		print("Vertex %d is index %d:" % (i, idx))

		for attr in meshData:
			# This is the data we're reading from. This would be good to cache instead of
			# re-fetching for every attribute for every index
			offset = attr.vertexByteOffset + attr.vertexByteStride * idx
			data = controller.GetBufferData(attr.vertexResourceId, offset, 0)

			# Get the value from the data
			value = unpackData(attr.format, data)

			# We don't go into the details of semantic matching here, just print both
			print("\tAttribute '%s': %s" % (, value))

def sampleCode(controller):
	# Find the biggest drawcall in the whole capture
	draw = None
	for d in controller.GetRootActions():
		draw = biggestDraw(draw, d)

	# Move to that draw
	controller.SetFrameEvent(draw.eventId, True)

	print("Decoding mesh inputs at %d: %s\n\n" % (draw.eventId, draw.GetName(controller.GetStructuredFile())))

	# Calculate the mesh input configuration
	meshInputs = getMeshInputs(controller, draw)
	# Fetch and print the data from the mesh inputs
	printMeshData(controller, meshInputs)

	print("Decoding mesh outputs\n\n")

	# Fetch the postvs data
	postvs = controller.GetPostVSData(0, 0, rd.MeshDataStage.VSOut)

	# Calcualte the mesh configuration from that
	meshOutputs = getMeshOutputs(controller, postvs)
	# Print it
	printMeshData(controller, meshOutputs)

def loadCapture(filename):
	# Open a capture file handle
	cap = rd.OpenCaptureFile()

	# Open a particular file - see also OpenBuffer to load from memory
	result = cap.OpenFile(filename, '', None)

	# Make sure the file opened successfully
	if result != rd.ResultCode.Succeeded:
		raise RuntimeError("Couldn't open file: " + str(result))

	# Make sure we can replay
	if not cap.LocalReplaySupport():
		raise RuntimeError("Capture cannot be replayed")

	# Initialise the replay
	result,controller = cap.OpenCapture(rd.ReplayOptions(), None)

	if result != rd.ResultCode.Succeeded:
		raise RuntimeError("Couldn't initialise replay: " + str(result))

	return (cap, controller)

if 'pyrenderdoc' in globals():
	rd.InitialiseReplay(rd.GlobalEnvironment(), [])

	if len(sys.argv) <= 1:
		print('Usage: python3 {} filename.rdc'.format(sys.argv[0]))

	cap,controller = loadCapture(sys.argv[1])




Sample output:

Decoding mesh inputs at 69: DrawIndexed(5580)

Mesh configuration:
        - vertex: <ResourceId 142> / 44 stride
        - format: CompType.Float x 3 @ 0
        - vertex: <ResourceId 142> / 44 stride
        - format: CompType.Float x 3 @ 12
        - vertex: <ResourceId 142> / 44 stride
        - format: CompType.Float x 3 @ 24
        - vertex: <ResourceId 142> / 44 stride
        - format: CompType.Float x 2 @ 36
Vertex 0 is index 0:
    Attribute 'POSITION0': (1.0, -1.5, 0.0)
    Attribute 'TANGENT0': (-0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
    Attribute 'NORMAL0': (0.9701425433158875, 0.24253533780574799, 0.0)
    Attribute 'TEXCOORD0': (0.0, 1.0)
Vertex 1 is index 31:
    Attribute 'POSITION0': (0.9750000238418579, -1.399999976158142, 0.0)
    Attribute 'TANGENT0': (-0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
    Attribute 'NORMAL0': (0.9701424241065979, 0.24253588914871216, 0.0)
    Attribute 'TEXCOORD0': (0.0, 0.9666666388511658)
Vertex 2 is index 32:
    Attribute 'POSITION0': (0.9536939859390259, -1.399999976158142, 0.20271390676498413)
    Attribute 'TANGENT0': (-0.20791170001029968, 0.0, 0.9781476259231567)
    Attribute 'NORMAL0': (0.9489423036575317, 0.24253617227077484, 0.20170393586158752)
    Attribute 'TEXCOORD0': (0.03333333507180214, 0.9666666388511658)
Decoding mesh outputs

Mesh configuration:
        - vertex: <ResourceId 1000000000000000237> / 68 stride
        - format: CompType.Float x 4 @ 0
        - vertex: <ResourceId 1000000000000000237> / 68 stride
        - format: CompType.Float x 4 @ 16
        - vertex: <ResourceId 1000000000000000237> / 68 stride
        - format: CompType.Float x 2 @ 32
        - vertex: <ResourceId 1000000000000000237> / 68 stride
        - format: CompType.Float x 3 @ 40
        - vertex: <ResourceId 1000000000000000237> / 68 stride
        - format: CompType.Float x 4 @ 52
Vertex 0 is index 0:
    Attribute 'SV_POSITION': (-6.269223690032959, -4.345583915710449, -2.4250497817993164, -2.0)
    Attribute 'POSITION': (-4.0, 0.0, -12.0, 1.0)
    Attribute 'TEXCOORD': (0.0, 1.0)
    Attribute 'TANGENT': (-5.0, 1.5, -11.0)
    Attribute 'NORMAL': (0.9701425433158875, 0.24253533780574799, 0.0, 0.0)
Vertex 1 is index 31:
    Attribute 'SV_POSITION': (-6.308406352996826, -4.104162216186523, -2.4250497817993164, -2.0)
    Attribute 'POSITION': (-4.025000095367432, 0.10000002384185791, -12.0, 1.0)
    Attribute 'TEXCOORD': (0.0, 0.9666666388511658)
    Attribute 'TANGENT': (-5.0, 1.5, -11.0)
    Attribute 'NORMAL': (0.9701424241065979, 0.24253588914871216, 0.0, 0.0)
Vertex 2 is index 32:
    Attribute 'SV_POSITION': (-6.341799736022949, -4.104162216186523, -2.221970558166504, -1.797286033630371)
    Attribute 'POSITION': (-4.046306133270264, 0.10000002384185791, -11.797286033630371, 1.0)
    Attribute 'TEXCOORD': (0.03333333507180214, 0.9666666388511658)
    Attribute 'TANGENT': (-5.207911491394043, 1.5, -11.021852493286133)
    Attribute 'NORMAL': (0.9489423036575317, 0.24253617227077484, 0.20170393586158752, 0.0)