Fetch Shader details

In this example we will fetch the disassembly for a shader and a set of constant values.

When disassembling a shader there may be more than one possible representation available, so we first enumerate the formats that are available using GetDisassemblyTargets() before selecting a target to disassemble to. The first target is always a reasonable default, and there will be at least one. GetDisassemblyTargets() takes a parameter indicating whether the pipeline state object will be available - some disassembly targets require the full pipeline and are not available when disassembling only a shader in isolation:

print("Available disassembly formats:")

targets = controller.GetDisassemblyTargets(True)

for disasm in targets:
    print("  - " + disasm)

target = targets[0]

Next we fetch any ancillary data that might be needed to disassemble - this varies by API depending on whether it supports multiple entry points per shader, or has a concept of pipeline state objects that are used together with a shader to disassemble.

For the purposes of this example we use the API abstraction PipeState so that this code works on a capture from any API, so we fetch the state bindings that we need. Finally we fetch the disassembled shader string with DisassembleShader() and print it:

    state = controller.GetPipelineState()

    # For some APIs, it might be relevant to set the PSO id or entry point name
    pipe = state.GetGraphicsPipelineObject()
    entry = state.GetShaderEntryPoint(rd.ShaderStage.Pixel)

    # Get the pixel shader's reflection object
    ps = state.GetShaderReflection(rd.ShaderStage.Pixel)

    cb = state.GetConstantBlock(rd.ShaderStage.Pixel, 0, 0)

print("Pixel shader:")
print(controller.DisassembleShader(pipe, ps.reflection, target))

Now we want to display the constants bound to this shader. Shader bindings is an area that diverges quite a lot between the APIs, and RenderDoc’s abstraction over this is detailed in more detail. For now, we’ll simply select the first constant buffer in this shader and fetch the constants for it with GetCBufferVariableContents().

cbufferVars = controller.GetCBufferVariableContents(pipe, ps.resourceId, rd.ShaderStage.Pixel, entry, 0, cb.descriptor.resource, 0, 0)

Since constants can contain structs of other constants, we want to define a recursive function that will iterate over a constant and print it along with its value. We want to handle both vectors and matrices so we need to iterate over both rows and columns for each variable.

def printVar(v, indent = ''):
    print(indent + v.name + ":")

    if len(v.members) == 0:
        valstr = ""
        for r in range(0, v.rows):
            valstr += indent + '  '

            for c in range(0, v.columns):
                valstr += '%.3f ' % v.value.fv[r*v.columns + c]

            if r < v.rows-1:
                valstr += "\n"


    for v in v.members:
        printVar(v, indent + '    ')

Finally, we iterate over the constants that we fetched earlier calling the function for each.

for v in cbufferVars:

Example Source

Download the example script.

import sys

# Import renderdoc if not already imported (e.g. in the UI)
if 'renderdoc' not in sys.modules and '_renderdoc' not in sys.modules:
	import renderdoc

# Alias renderdoc for legibility
rd = renderdoc

def printVar(v, indent = ''):
	print(indent + v.name + ":")

	if len(v.members) == 0:
		valstr = ""
		for r in range(0, v.rows):
			valstr += indent + '  '

			for c in range(0, v.columns):
				valstr += '%.3f ' % v.value.fv[r*v.columns + c]

			if r < v.rows-1:
				valstr += "\n"


	for v in v.members:
		printVar(v, indent + '    ')

def sampleCode(controller):
	print("Available disassembly formats:")

	targets = controller.GetDisassemblyTargets(True)

	for disasm in targets:
		print("  - " + disasm)

	target = targets[0]

	state = controller.GetPipelineState()

	# For some APIs, it might be relevant to set the PSO id or entry point name
	pipe = state.GetGraphicsPipelineObject()
	entry = state.GetShaderEntryPoint(rd.ShaderStage.Pixel)

	# Get the pixel shader's reflection object
	ps = state.GetShaderReflection(rd.ShaderStage.Pixel)

	cb = state.GetConstantBlock(rd.ShaderStage.Pixel, 0, 0)

	print("Pixel shader:")
	print(controller.DisassembleShader(pipe, ps, target))

	cbufferVars = controller.GetCBufferVariableContents(pipe, ps.resourceId, rd.ShaderStage.Pixel, entry, 0, cb.descriptor.resource, 0, 0)

	for v in cbufferVars:

def loadCapture(filename):
	# Open a capture file handle
	cap = rd.OpenCaptureFile()

	# Open a particular file - see also OpenBuffer to load from memory
	result = cap.OpenFile(filename, '', None)

	# Make sure the file opened successfully
	if result != rd.ResultCode.Succeeded:
		raise RuntimeError("Couldn't open file: " + str(result))

	# Make sure we can replay
	if not cap.LocalReplaySupport():
		raise RuntimeError("Capture cannot be replayed")

	# Initialise the replay
	result,controller = cap.OpenCapture(rd.ReplayOptions(), None)

	if result != rd.ResultCode.Succeeded:
		raise RuntimeError("Couldn't initialise replay: " + str(result))

	return (cap, controller)

if 'pyrenderdoc' in globals():
	rd.InitialiseReplay(rd.GlobalEnvironment(), [])

	if len(sys.argv) <= 1:
		print('Usage: python3 {} filename.rdc'.format(sys.argv[0]))

	cap,controller = loadCapture(sys.argv[1])




Sample output:

Available disassembly formats:
Pixel shader:
Shader hash 9dd8337a-c75dd787-1fa0f07e-5f39f955

    dcl_globalFlags refactoringAllowed
    dcl_constantbuffer cb0[8], immediateIndexed
    dcl_sampler gDepthSam (s0), mode_default
    dcl_resource_texture2d (float,float,float,float) gDepthMap (t0)
    dcl_resource_texture2d (float,float,float,float) gGBufferMap (t1)
    dcl_input_ps linear v1.xyz
    dcl_input_ps linear v2.xyw
    dcl_output o0.xyzw
    dcl_output o1.xyzw
    dcl_temps 6

0: nop
1: mov r0.xyz, v2.xywx
2: div r0.xy, r0.xyxx, r0.zzzz
3: mul r0.xy, r0.xyxx, l(0.500000, -0.500000, 0.000000, 0.000000)
4: add r0.xy, r0.xyxx, l(0.500000, 0.500000, 0.000000, 0.000000)
5: mov r0.xy, r0.xyxx
6: sample_indexable(texture2d)(float,float,float,float) r0.z, r0.xyxx, gDepthMap.yzxw, gDepthSam
7: mov r0.z, r0.z
8: nop
9: mov r0.z, r0.z
10: mov r0.z, -r0.z
11: add r0.z, r0.z, l(1.001801)
12: div r0.z, l(0.421448), r0.z
13: mov r0.z, r0.z
14: dp3 r0.w, v1.xyzx, v1.xyzx
15: rsq r0.w, r0.w
16: mul r1.xyz, r0.wwww, v1.xyzx
17: div r0.z, r0.z, r1.z
18: mul r2.xyz, r0.zzzz, r1.xyzx
19: sample_indexable(texture2d)(float,float,float,float) r0.xyzw, r0.xyxx, gGBufferMap.xyzw, gDepthSam
20: dp3 r1.w, r0.xyzx, r0.xyzx
21: rsq r1.w, r1.w
22: mul r0.xyz, r0.xyzx, r1.wwww
23: mov r3.xyz, gLightPosV.xyzx
24: mov r4.xyz, -r2.xyzx
25: add r4.xyz, r3.xyzx, r4.xyzx
26: dp3 r1.w, r4.xyzx, r4.xyzx
27: rsq r1.w, r1.w
28: mul r4.xyz, r1.wwww, r4.xyzx
29: dp3 r1.w, r0.xyzx, r4.xyzx
30: max r5.x, r1.w, l(0)
31: nop
32: mov r1.xyz, -r1.xyzx
33: add r1.xyz, r1.xyzx, r4.xyzx
34: dp3 r1.w, r1.xyzx, r1.xyzx
35: rsq r1.w, r1.w
36: mul r1.xyz, r1.wwww, r1.xyzx
37: mov r0.xyz, r0.xyzx
38: mul r0.w, r0.w, l(64.000000)
39: dp3 r0.x, r1.xyzx, r0.xyzx
40: max r0.x, r0.x, l(0)
41: log r0.x, r0.x
42: mul r0.x, r0.x, r0.w
43: exp r5.y, r0.x
44: mov r5.y, r5.y
45: nop
46: mov r3.xyz, r3.xyzx
47: mov r2.xyz, r2.xyzx
48: mov r0.xyz, gLight.att.xyzx
49: mov r1.xyz, -r2.xyzx
50: add r1.xyz, r1.xyzx, r3.xyzx
51: dp3 r0.w, r1.xyzx, r1.xyzx
52: sqrt r0.w, r0.w
53: mul r0.y, r0.y, r0.w
54: add r0.x, r0.y, r0.x
55: mul r0.y, r0.w, r0.w
56: mul r0.y, r0.z, r0.y
57: add r0.x, r0.y, r0.x
58: div r0.x, l(1.000000), r0.x
59: mov r0.x, r0.x
60: mul r0.xy, r5.xyxx, r0.xxxx
61: max r0.xy, r0.xyxx, l(0, 0, 0, 0)
62: mul o0.xyzw, r0.xxxx, gLight.diffuse.xyzw
63: mul o1.xyzw, r0.yyyy, gLight.diffuse.xyzw
64: ret

    -2.022 2.000 -3.694
    0.000 0.000 0.000
    0.300 0.300 0.300 1.000
    0.300 1.000 0.600 1.000
    0.500 0.500 0.500 1.000
    0.000 0.200 0.100
    -2.022 0.200 6.306 -107374176.000
    -0.298 -0.596 -0.745
    1.567 0.000 0.000 0.000
    0.000 2.414 0.000 0.000
    0.000 0.000 1.002 1.000
    -3.169 0.483 5.896 6.306
    1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
    0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000
    0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000
    -2.022 0.200 6.306 1.000