Planned future features

This is a list of features that are planned to be added at some point. Probably none of them have timelines or estimates yet, and they are in no particular order. I just would like to add them eventually. It’s mostly here for interest, and for reference if you have a new feature request - it might be on here already!

For more detail and a more up to date list, check the GitHub wiki.

Also note that none of these features are guaranteed. In an ideal world they would all happen but since work hasn’t started on any of them some may turn out to be impractical or delayed indefinitely.

Planned features

  • Debugging of all shader stages.

  • Mesh display after hull shader stage.

  • Diffing events in a given frame.

  • Modifying the pipeline on the fly to change state.

  • Highlighting redundant state-setting.

  • Tracking the dependencies or dependants of a given action.

  • Exposing an API to applications so they can give more details or annotation, more tightly integrating with the app itself.

  • A low-resource mode so RenderDoc can be left on by default whenever running an app, so it’s always available if a bug appears.

  • Attaching to an already-running application